You LOOK like depression

Can you immediately look at an individual and determine if they have depression or anxiety? What do these individuals look like? Does everyone look the same? The answer to this question is

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What is Your Addiction?

Have you ever craved something so strongly that your palms sweat at the thought of having it? Your heart races every time you think about it? You would do almost anything to get it? When you are unable to get it you feel sick or sad? This.. my friends.. is how I feel about

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The Mental Health Crisis: Why There Is a Need for Global Mentality Inc

Let’s Talk! Mental Health Crisis!
Millions of individuals are affected by some form of mental health illness in the US. An estimated 18.5% of the population experience a mental illness within a given year (National Alliance on Mental Illness [NAMI], 2019). A smaller percentage experienced serious mental health illnesses such as schizophrenia and

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My first experience with mental health illness

We all have in some form of fashion dealt with mental health illnesses. For me, my experience began as a child. Growing up, I had a beloved uncle whom my younger brother and I spent a large amount of time with. He was extremely helpful to my mother and would sometimes go on family trips with us. I can remember

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